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Make a Donation

There are several ways that you can make a donation to WUTH Charity. Every penny raised will help us to provide the best possible experience for our patients.


You can make a single donation, give regularly or create a personal fundraising page through JustGiving. It's free to do and sponsors will be able to pay securely through the page. As an added bonus, we are able to claim any applicable Gift Aid from each donation if you give consent and are a UK tax payer.

Make a donation through JustGiving - see related links on left

Standing Order

Please complete our Standing Order form and return it to the Fundraising Office, Finance Dept, Willow House, Clatterbridge, CH63 4JY

Download a Standing Order form below

Bank Transfer

We accept direct transfers into the WUTH Charity bank account.

  • Sort code 20 – 50 – 36
  • Account number 60662593


This option is currently ‘under construction’ and will be available soon.


Cash donations can be received at the Trust’s cash offices at the Arrowe Park or Clatterbridge Hospitals.

Please do not send cash by post.

We will give you a receipt and acknowledge your donation by letter, if you wish.

(Official WUTH Charity donation envelopes will soon be available at different locations across our hospitals.)


Cheques can be posted or handed in to the Fundraising Office or cash offices, made payable to:

WUTH Charity


Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Charitable Fund

Gift Aid form with guidance

This can be used to accompany any donation to WUTH Charity, and seeks consent from the donor to reclaim tax amounts paid as a UK tax payer. Cash donations received via donation envelopes do not need a separate Gift Aid form.

Download a Gift Aid form below

Give as you Live

You can now support WUTH Charity whilst you shop - you can help WUTH Charity raise funds for FREE just by shopping online. If you sign up and shop online via Give as you Live at 4,000+ top retailers including Amazon, eBay, John Lewis and Expedia, a FREE donation will be made to us and it won't cost you a penny extra. Plus, if you shop through the Give as you Live website, or use the official app on your mobile phone, you can access top offers so you can save money and raise money.

You can also donate directly to WUTH Charity via Give as you Live using the related link on the left

  • Donation Information arrow icon
    • WUTH Standing Order Donation Form Modified: 08/04/2018 4:13PM | Download:
    • WUTH Gift Aid Declaration Form Modified: 08/04/2018 4:12PM | Download: