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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Part 5: Feeding your baby

Getting feeding off to a good start

Please see 'Related Links' to left of this page to view information on the following:

  1. Off to the Best Start (leaflet at foot of page)
  2. Meeting Baby for the First Time
  3. Breastfeeding and Relationships
  4. Positioning and Attachment
  5. Poor Attachment
  6. Maximising Breastmilk
  7. Hand Expression
  8. Importance of Relationship Building
  9. Breastfeeding at Study and Work
  10. Baby I love You
  11. Guide to Bottle Feeding
  12. Formula Feeding Guide
  13. First Steps Nutrition
  14. Breastfeeding (PowerPoint presentation at foot of page)



Additional Documents

Off to the best start, Modified: 26/06/2020 3:30PM | Download: Off to the best start