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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust


Antenatal, Labour/Birth and Postnatal Information 

(NB may have other trusts' local information)

Norfolk and Waveney LMNS Multilingual maternity resources (padlet.com)

Multilingual Maternity Resources - 48 different languages from Afrikaans to Yoruba (padlet.com)


Pregnancy Care Transfer Card

Pregnancy Care Transfer Card - Welcome (southeastclinicalnetworks.nhs.uk)


Royal college Obstetrics and Gynaecology (RCOG)

Leaflets in:
• Acute Pelvis inflammatory disease
• Early Miscarriage
• Being overweight in pregnancy and afterbirth
• Gestational diabetes
• Pre eclampsia
• When your waters break early (PPROM)
• Care of 3rd or 4th degree tear that occurred during childbirth
• Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Traduceri in romana Romanian translations | RCOG


Maternity rights

Maternity rights information translated - Maternity Action



Diabetes information and videos

Diabetes information in different languages | Diabetes UK


Pregnancy and newborn screening information

• Introduction and summary animation
• Infectious diseases
• Sickle cell and thalassaemia
• Down’s syndrome, Edwards’ syndrome and Patau’s syndrome
• 11 physical conditions (20-week scan)
• Diabetic eye screening
• Eyes, heart, hips and testes (physical examination)
• Hearing loss
• Blood spot

Teste de screening pentru dumneavoastră și bebelușul dumneavoastră. - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


Group B Streptococcus information

Group B Strep information in your own language - Group B Strep Support


Reduced fetal movement - Tommy's

Leaflet and banner: Feeling your baby move is a sign that they are well | Tommy's


Sand Bereavement Booklet

Sands Bereavement Support Book | Sands - Saving babies' lives. Supporting bereaved families.


Domestic abuse

Women’s Aid Domestic Abuse Support Information 

Additional Languages - Women’s Aid


Pain relief in labour
Comparison card FAQ
Epidural information card
Epidural video
Anaesthesia for caesarean delivery FAQ
Commonly needed phrases
High BMI and anaesthetics
Headache after epidural or spinal

Romanian | Română - Labour Pains



Post natal

Breast feeding and bottle feeding

UNICEF leaflet 

Foreign language resources - breastfeeding - Baby Friendly Initiative


Newborn hearing screening

Screening auditiv pentru nou-născuți: vizita bebelușului dumneavoastră la clinica de audiologie - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


Safer Sleep Lullaby Trust

easy read card

Lullaby Trust publications - The Lullaby Trust


Baby crying support - ICON resources

Translatable resources - ICON Cope


Local services

Wirral Change – for all ethnic minority people

Wirral Change, St Laurence’s School, St Laurence Drive, Birkenhead CH41 3JD

Phone: 0151 649 8177

Offers a range of support including:
Translation and interpreting, health and wellbeing, immigration/EUSS, employment support, English lessons and community groups.


Wirral Multicultural Organisation

Wirral Multicultural Organisation, Wirral Multicultural Centre, 111 Conway Street, Birkenhead, Wirral CH41 4AF

Tel: 0151 792 5116

Email: info@wmo.org.uk


A key focus is to support more vulnerable people from ethnic minority backgrounds by providing language support, advocacy, social support and activities, assistance to access primary care services and including advice and education services.