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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Delivery Suite

If you or your baby need to be more closely monitored during labour, you will be cared for on the Delivery Suite. Some women may also choose to have their baby there. On the Delivery Suite you will be cared for by midwives as well as obstetricians who will work together as a team.

The Delivery Suite has eight delivery rooms, the majority of which are en-suite. There is one birthing pool, which allows your baby to be continuously monitored in the water giving you the option of having a water birth or using water as pain relief if medically appropriate. Birthing balls are also available for you to use during your labour. Although most women will have their baby’s heartbeat monitored continuously while they are in labour, wireless monitors are available to enable you to stay active. CD players/radios are available in most rooms.

There are also two operating theatres on Delivery Suite, should you need to go to theatre for any part of your care. For the safety of you and your baby, the Delivery Suite is a restricted area but you may bring up to two birth partners for support during your labour.