Your pelvic health is important for your long-term health as well as in pregnancy and after you’ve had a baby. It’s common for women to experience some symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction which can include:
- urinary or bladder leakage (known as incontinence or wetting yourself)
- trouble controlling wind
- painful/difficult intercourse
- pelvic organ prolapse
We have a Perinatal Pelvic Health Midwife and team she works with who are dedicated to supporting you.
Their website has lots of information for ALL women to educate you on how you can help your own pelvic health when having a baby or after you’ve had a baby.
Any health care professionals caring for you can refer you to this service for an appointment and you can also self-refer to classes online for extra support.
Please visit Perinatal Pelvic Health Service - Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust for further information.