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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Monitoring the growth of your baby

It is important that your baby’s growth is monitored accurately during pregnancy. Your Midwife will assess your risk of having a small or growth restricted baby, and will arrange regular ultrasound scans if you have any risk factors.

If you have no risk factors, your baby’s growth is assessed by measuring your abdomen. These measurements will begin to be plotted at you first appointment after 26 weeks.

All measurements are plotted onto an electronic customised growth chart. The chart is calculated using your height, weight, ethnic origin and details about any previous babies you may have had. The system will calculate your baby’s expected growth rate and indicate if further investigation or actions are required.

  • Monitoring the growth of your baby arrow icon
    • GROW 2.0 growth chart software information Modified: 20/03/2025 2:25PM | Download: