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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Annual Members' Meeting Notice

Annual Members' Meeting

Monday 7 October 2024 from 2:00 to 4:30pm

Education Centre, Arrowe Park Hospital

Notice is hereby given that the Annual Members Meeting (AMM) of Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust will take place on Monday 7 October from 3:30-4:30pm, in the Lecture Theatre, Education Centre, Arrowe Park Hospital.

The formal business for consideration at the meeting is as follows:

  • To receive the Annual Report 2023/24
  • To receive the Annual Accounts 2023/24
  • To receive the Auditor's Report

The agenda and slides for the Annual Members Meeting will be made available on the Trust’s website. The Annual Report and Accounts, including the report of the auditor, are available to view on the Trust’s website.



To RSVP for this event, or to submit advance questions, please contact wuth.trustsecretary@nhs.net or call 0151 604 7278.