Evidence suggests that healthy women who have had uncomplicated pregnancies and plan their birth in an alongside midwifery-led setting have fewer interventions during labour and significantly more spontaneous vaginal births than women who give birth in an obstetric unit with no difference in outcome for the baby (NICE 2024). If your pregnancy has remained uncomplicated and your assessments when you arrive in labour do not identify any complications, then you will most likely be transferred to our Eden Suite.
The Eden Suite is a cosy, home from home environment that provides a safe and relaxed setting for you to have your baby within Wirral Women and Children’s Hospital.
Eden Suite has two birthing pools and a birthing chair as well as adjustable beds, bean bags and birthing balls to help you stay active during your labour. There is a variety of aromatherapy oils available for you to use for pain relief and help you to relax and some of our midwives are trained in the use of aromatherapy. CD players/radios are also available in each room. If you have a normal birth and both you and your baby are well after the birth, you may be discharged home directly from Eden Suite if you wish.
For the safety of you and your baby, Eden Suite is a restricted area but you may bring up to two birth partners for support during your labour. Please ask your midwife for an information leaflet about The Eden Suite if you would like more details.