Contact Us

Please select one of the options from the menu on the left of the screen.
PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS FORM FOR APPOINTMENTS OR CLINICAL ISSUES. We can not guarantee that clinical issues shared on this form will be escalated. If you have a clinical issue please contact your healthcare professional.
If you have a query about your appointment please follow the instructions on your appointment letter.
Please also note that the messages inbox is manned 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
If you matter is urgent, please call the hospital switchboard on 0151 678 5111.
Get in touch

If you want to ask us a question, or make a comment about our Trust, there are a number of ways for you to get in contact:
Switchboard: 0151 6785111
If you have a compliment or concern please contact the Patient Experience Team. For information click Patient Experience Team under the Related Links menu on the left of this page.
Departmental Contacts
Feedback, Compliments, Concerns and Complaints
Patient Experience
All feedback from our patients is useful to us. We want to continue to improve our services, and so knowing what you think of WUTH is really important to us. Maybe you’ve experienced really fantastic care or have some thoughts on how we might improve.
The Patient Experience Team helps the Trust to develop its services by collecting and channelling feedback from patients, carers and visitors.
To contact the team:
- Call:0800 432 0251 (Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 16:00 hours)
- Email:
- Write: Patient Experience Team, Clatterbridge Hospital, Birch House, Clatterbridge Road, Bebington, Wirral CH63 4JY.
Patient Focus Group
If you would like to join our Patient Focus Group please read our leaflet ‘Talk to Us About Your Patient Experience’ at the bottom of this page.
Healthwatch Wirral
You might prefer to talk to someone independent. HealthWatch Wirral can offer free advice and support to anyone. They can be contacted on 0151 230 8957 or email To visit the HealthWatch Wirral website click on the link in the left menu.
Further options
You can leave a review on the NHS.UK or Care Opinion websites. Please see the links in the menu on the left. We always endeavour to respond to these reviews as soon as possible.
You can also get in touch with us on social media by searching for WUTHnhs on Facebook and Twitter.
Making a complaint
Anyone who is receiving care or treatment at WUTH can make a complaint. Sometimes you might just want to raise a concern with us rather than make a formal complaint. With your permission, a relative, friend or carer can make a complaint, or raise concerns, on your behalf.
In the first instance you can raise your concerns with someone providing your care. Most concerns can usually be resolved immediately by the staff who are looking after you. This may be your nurse, midwife, doctor or health worker. Explain what happened and they will do their best to put things right as quickly as possible. You can also contact our Patient Experience Team.
If you would like to find out how to make a complaint, please read our leaflet ’How to Raise a Concern or Complaint’ at the bottom of this page.
Although the Trust usually aims to respond to formal complaints within 40 working days, due to current operational and service pressures, we are sorry that it may take longer; however, where there are such delays the Patient Experience Team will endeavour to keep you updated.
Media Relations

Media relations for the Trust is handled by the Communications and Marketing team.
We try extremely hard to facilitate prompt and accurate responses to queries we receive from the media.
Journalists (including photographers and film-makers) wishing to come on to any of the sites owned by Wirral University Teaching Hospital must seek permission in advance.
During working hours (which are normally Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm), enquiries should be directed to the team via 0151 482 7897.
The general email address for the team is
All out of hours urgent media enquiries should be directed to the on-call executive through the main switchboard (0151 678 5111).
Condition checks
We operate a strict ruling on patient condition checks for the media. Condition checks will only be given if the patient in question, their legal guardian (if under 16) or the patients’ next of kin (if unconscious) is granted. We use a standard scale of a one word response for patient condition checks for example ‘critical’ or ‘stable’. We cannot enter into discussions however about the health of any of our patients. We also reserve the right not to give out any information if a patient or family ask us not to do so.
Sales calls
Please note that we will not take direct sales calls. If you wish to contact us to showcase your services relevant to the Communications and Marketing team, please email
Ward Details
Here you can find a list of our wards at Arrowe Park and Clatterbridge Hospitals. The visiting times for the wards listed below are 2pm - 7pm. This includes a direct dial number to contact them.
Direct Dial |
Ward Sister |
1 |
Surgical Day Ward Location: Ground floor |
0151 604 7135 |
Allie Tinkler |
10 |
Orthopaedic Location: 1st floor |
0151 604 7117 |
Kath Mitchinson |
11 |
Orthopaedic/Trauma Location: 1st floor |
0151 604 7026/7431 |
Victoria Harrison |
12 |
Orthopaedic Location: 1st floor |
0151 604 7784 |
Sue Richards |
20 |
Urology Location: 2nd floor |
0151 604 7015 |
Amy Stasiuk |
Surgical Emergency Unit Location: 1st floor |
0151 482 7912 |
Jessica Taylor |
14 |
Surgical Ward Location: 1st floor |
0151 604 7013 |
Ellie Moore |
17 |
Surgical Emergency Unit (SEU) |
Natasha Williams/ |
18 |
Surgical Ward Location: 1st floor |
0151 604 7011 |
Lynne Curtis |
Ward 19 /OPAU |
DME / Older Persons Assessment Unit Location: 1st floor |
0151 604 7012 |
Alison Wilkinson |
21 |
DME Location: 2nd floor |
0151 604 7016 |
Jo Geary |
22 |
DME Location: 2nd floor |
0151 604 7017 |
Yvonne Whiston |
23 |
DME Location: 2nd floor |
0151 604 7018 |
Helen Aitken |
23 |
Stroke Assessment Location 2nd floor |
0151 604 7417 |
Helen Aitken |
24 |
Medical Ward Location: 2nd floor |
0151 604 7019 |
Hanna Mulville |
25 |
Infection Control Ward Location: 2nd floor |
0151 604 7020 |
Adele Davies |
26 |
Medical Ward Location: 2nd floor |
0151 604 7021 |
Laura Parker |
27 |
DME Location: 2nd floor |
0151 604 7469 |
Anna Anderson |
30 |
Haematology/Rheumatology Location: 3rd floor |
0151 604 7140 |
Zara Delamere |
31 |
Dialysis Ward Location: 3rd floor |
0151 604 7027 |
Coral Oakley |
32/CCU |
Medical Ward Location: 3rd floor |
0151 604 7028/7641 |
Jan Sherlock |
33 |
Location: 3rd floor |
0151 604 7029 |
Kara Dulson |
36 |
Medical Ward Location: 3rd floor |
0151 604 7031 |
Gaynor Garner |
37 |
Respiratory Ward/Lung Assessment Unit Location: 3rd floor |
0151 604 7787 |
Jenine Kelly Nicola McCann |
38 |
Respiratory Ward Location: 3rd floor |
0151 604 7014 |
Jenine Kelly Nicola McCann |
43 |
Medical Ward Location: Ground floor |
0151 604 7314 |
Kate Braithwaite |
High Dependency Unit Location: Ground floor |
0151 604 7356 |
Christine Jones |
Intensive Treatment Unit Location: Ground floor |
0151 604 7401 |
Christine Jones |
52 |
Children's Ward Location: Women's building |
0151 604 7009 |
Michelle Lee-Jones |
54 |
Gynaecology Location: Women's building |
0151 604 7132 |
Jenny Robinson |
Direct Dial |
Ward Sister |
M1 Rehabilitation |
Beds 1-20 Direct Line
Beds 21-40 Direct Line
Ward Clark |
0151 482 7626
0151 482 7626 Ext 4385
0151 482 7647 ext 4733
4284 |
Kate Hughes (Office ext: 5006)
Rehab Unit |
Clatterbridge Rehabilitation Centre |
0151 482 7781 |
Mark Dillon |
M2 Orthopaedics |
Orthopaedics |
482 7758 Ext: 4383/4384 |
Helen Donaldson |
M2 Surg |
Surgical |
0151 482 7758 |
Pauline West |
Exceptions to these visiting hours are: Wards |
Direct Dial |
Visiting Hours |
Ward Sister |
30 |
Haematology/Rheumatology Ward |
0151 604 7140 |
Flexible | Vicky Williams |
Acute Medical Unit |
0151 604 7444 |
1:00 - 7:00pm | Ruhamma George |
Acute Medical Short Stay Ward |
0151 604 7101 |
1:00 - 7:00pm | Judith Cull |
Emergency Department Review Unit |
0151 604 7716 |
Flexible after 12:30pm | Laura Parker |
Children's Ward |
0151 604 7009 | 8:00am - 8:30pm | Michelle Lee-Jones |
Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) |
0151 604 7108 | Open visiting |
Clare MacGlashan |
Women's Obstetrics |
0151 604 7131 | 1:00 - 7:00pm | Jane Higginson |
Changing your details with us
It is very important for the hospital to have your correct contact details. Please notify us of any changes to your personal details, for instance a change of name, mobile phone number, a change of address or GP. This will help us keep our records up-to-date and enable us to contact you directly should we need to do so. If you have an appointment with us please there will be details on who to contact on your appointment letter.
Please remember to also inform your GP of these changes as hospital records are validated against and must reflect the information held by your GP.
If you are currently under treatment with other healthcare providers please also record your change of details with them.
Freedom of Information Request
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides any person with the right to obtain information held by Wirral University Teaching Hospital, subject to a number of exceptions.
To make a request under the Freedom of Information Act, please visit our Freedom of Information page.
Publicly available information
We offer a range of information routinely published by the Trust. Offering this information aims to make a large amount of information available at minimum inconvenience and cost to the public.
You may find what you are looking for in the About Us section of our website.
Re-using our information
You may re-use information routinely published by the Trust, but this must be in line with the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005, we ask that when doing so you quote the document title, acknowledge that it was published by us, and that it remains our copyright.
Any commercial application or use of information provided may be subject to the provisions of the above regulations. This means that if you wish to re-use any of our information for commercial purposes, you may need to contact and ask us first.
Requesting Information
If you have previously been a patient at the Trust, you have the right under the General Data Protection Regulations 2016 (GDPR) to request from us a copy of your own health record. Further information about how to obtain your health record can be found by contacting the Access to Information Office:
Patient Messages
This form is only for contacting inpatients at Arrowe Park or Clatterbridge Hospitals. Your message will be received by our Patient Relations Team staff, who will print it out and hand deliver it to the patient. Please note that we cannot guarantee any times for delivery of the message and we regret that we cannot pass on e-mail messages to outpatients.