Freedom of Information Request

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides any person with the right to obtain information held by Wirral University Teaching Hospital, subject to a number of exceptions.
To make a request under the Freedom of Information Act, please visit our Freedom of Information page.
Publicly available information
We offer a range of information routinely published by the Trust. Offering this information aims to make a large amount of information available at minimum inconvenience and cost to the public.
You may find what you are looking for in the About Us section of our website.
Re-using our information
You may re-use information routinely published by the Trust, but this must be in line with the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005, we ask that when doing so you quote the document title, acknowledge that it was published by us, and that it remains our copyright.
Any commercial application or use of information provided may be subject to the provisions of the above regulations. This means that if you wish to re-use any of our information for commercial purposes, you may need to contact and ask us first.
Requesting Information
If you have previously been a patient at the Trust, you have the right under the General Data Protection Regulations 2016 (GDPR) to request from us a copy of your own health record. Further information about how to obtain your health record can be found by contacting the Access to Information Office: