Help shape our future

The past 12 months have seen a number of challenges for the NHS nationally and more locally here at Wirral University Teaching Hospital (WUTH).
We’ve made it really clear that we’re on a journey of improvement here at WUTH. In the space of just a few months, we’ve already started to lay some really strong foundations for the future and what our improvement journey needs to look like.
As Wirral’s largest employer, we’re doing lots of engagement with our staff about this, but we also want to make sure we’re engaging with our patients, visitors, partners and the public.
WUTH is a great place to work and receive care, but we want to make it the best.
One of the key steps in moving forward successfully is to ‘define’ and ‘bring to life’ our organisational values.
Underpinning our values is the way in which our staff behave each and every day. We now need your help and feedback on the simple questionnaire below.
All feedback is anonymous. Please don’t give any names or personal information in your responses. We simply want your views on what good behaviours our staff should demonstrate and what are the bad behaviours you would not want to see from our staff.
Your feedback will really help shape our future, so please do use this opportunity to get involved.
Thank you for your help.