How It Started

In 2021 the Patient Experience Strategy at Wirral University Teaching Hospital (WUTH) was divided into two main elements: the patient experience vision and the delivery plan.
The process began with a kick-off meeting to define the approach for developing the strategy. This was followed by a series of engagement workshops involving various stakeholders:
1. Five workshops were conducted with patients, relatives, carers, volunteers, the council of governors, and third-party stakeholder representatives. Over 50 people participated in these workshops.
2. Eight workshops were held with staff members, and one workshop was conducted with the Board of Directors, engaging over 140 staff members from diverse groups.
During these workshops, participants developed draft patient experience vision statements based on their priorities. Initially, there were 14 draft visions.
The draft visions were then narrowed down to three top statements by identifying common themes and key priorities. These top three draft visions, along with corresponding promises, graphics, and voting results, were shared.
Next, patients and staff voted for their favourite patient experience vision statement, promises, and graphics.
A total of 1,915 votes were received.
To ensure strategic alignment, the final patient experience vision was presented to and approved by the Trust Board after gaining support from the Executive and Non-Executive Directors.
The Patient Experience Strategy was launch in April 2022.