Hidden Disabilities

The Hidden Disabilities Task & Finish Group was created in October 2023, with an initial objective of improving our accessible toilet facilities. Since then, the group has expanded its scope and ambition to respond to feedback raised by our patients and staff with a hidden disability as well as engage with local partners, including charities, to seek input and guidance along the way.
Our aims are to raise awareness of hidden disabilities at the Trust and enhance our education and support offering for those with an invisible illness.
If you would like to get involved by joining our task & finish group or by sharing your own feedback, please contact us.
What is a Hidden Disability?
"Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it is not there"
Globally 1 in 7 of us live with a disability. That is approximately 1.3 billion people.
But while some of us experience a disability that is visible, many have a non-visible condition or experience a combination of both visible and non-visible conditions. These disabilities can be temporary, situational or permanent. They can be neurological, cognitive and neurodevelopmental as well as physical, visual, auditory and include sensory and processing difficulties. They can also be respiratory as well as chronic health conditions such as arthritis and diabetes, chronic pain and sleep disorders.
What disability is not visible?
While some of us experience a disability that is visible, many of us have a non-visible disability that is not immediately apparent to others. These can be temporary, situational or permanent. They can be neurological, cognitive and neurodevelopmental as well as physical, visual, auditory and including sensory and processing difficulties. They also include respiratory, rare diseases and chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes.
As diverse as these conditions are, so are your individual access needs and the barriers you face in your daily life.
A-Z guide
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
Functional Neurological Disorder (FND)
Additional Documents
Hidden Disabilities Icons ,
Modified: 02/05/2024 2:45PM | Download:
Hidden Disabilities Icons
Hidden Disabilities Poster 23,
Modified: 02/05/2024 2:44PM | Download:
Hidden Disabilities Poster 23
Hidden Disabilities Poster 2023,
Modified: 02/05/2024 2:44PM | Download:
Hidden Disabilities Poster 2023
Hidden Disabilities Leaflet A5.1,
Modified: 02/05/2024 2:42PM | Download:
Hidden Disabilities Leaflet A5.1
Hidden Disabilities Leaflet A5,
Modified: 02/05/2024 2:42PM | Download:
Hidden Disabilities Leaflet A5
Hidden Disabilities Leaflet A4,
Modified: 02/05/2024 2:42PM | Download:
Hidden Disabilities Leaflet A4