
As part of the Patient Experience Strategy Welcome Promise vision ‘being made to feel at ease and re-assured’, one of the initial work streams identified by the Welcome Promise Group was to carry out a review of the existing Trust site maps available for patients. This was to ensure from a patient experience perspective the maps were clear and easy to understand whilst providing useful information and signposting to help patients, carers and visitors navigate their way around the hospital sites. This included ensuring the maps highlighted key accessible facilities, such as disabled parking and toilets, as well as drop off points, entrance/exit points and department zones.
A sub group was formed with key members of staff from different professions and led by the Estates & Facilities team to progress the designs. However, it was vitally important to gather feedback on the new map designs from the Trust’s external panel, made up of a selection of patients and carers, to ensure the maps included the appropriate information from a service user perspective and to ensure the agreed objectives had been met.