Paediatric Life Support (PLS) course

Paediatric Life Support course (ALSG)
The PLS course provides the knowledge and skills necessary for the initial recognition, treatment and stabilisation of
- children with life threatening emergencies, using a structured, sequential approach.
- The seriously ill and or injured child needs to be treated as an individual; there are four key differences that determine
- treatment: weight, anatomy, physiology, and psychology.
- The structured approach focuses the clinician on resuscitation, emergency treatment followed by continual stabilisation
- and then transfer to a definitive care environment.
- PLS aims to teach, practice and assess the acquisition and use of these technical skills. In addition, the human factors that
- generate the highest quality and safest health care provision are considered.
Who is this course suitable for?
This paediatric life support programme is for those from a medical, nursing, ECP, ODP or RTO background and all professions allied to medicine (PAMS)
PLS curriculum and key information
The programme comprises e-modules studied prior to attending a 1-day face-to-face course. The course is run throughout the UK
and overseas and the cost varies across centres.
Online modular education through our VLE: 5 e-modules · Structured approach · Human factors · Management of Cardiac arrest · Recognition of seriously ill child · Recognition of Seriously injured child |
Skill stations and workshops · Basic life support · Airway · Cardiac arrest rhythms and defibrillation · familiarisation · Intraosseous infusion · Structured approach to illness inc videos—summarised · by simulation demonstration · Structured approach to injury including skill station on · spinal protection—summarised by simulation · demonstration · PLS simulations |
1-day course with reviews, skills, simulations, demonstrations
Reviews · Seriously ill child · Cardiac arrest management |
Assessment and Certification
- Continuous assessment takes place throughout the face-to-face course on skill stations. If you are successful, PLS certification is valid for four years and includes access to our VLE.
Pre-course preparation
eLearning. Candidates will be sent the eLearning access information, however, if you haven’t received the access information please feel free to contact the Resuscitation Services Team.
To apply
- Internal applicants (excluding medical staff) - please select the course you wish to attend via ESR
- External applicants & Medical staff / ANP’s - please contact the Resuscitation Services Team