Undergraduate Centre

Our Undergraduate Education Centre provides dedicated teaching and study facilities for medical students from the School of Medical Education at the University of Liverpool. Students from the 2nd, 4th and 5th years are attached to our Trust for varying periods throughout the year. The education programme for the students and their welfare whilst in the hospital are the responsibility of the Clinical Sub Deans, with the assistance of the centre administrators. The Undergraduate Centre is situated within the main body of the hospital and offers a wide range of facilities. These include:
- Study Facilities. There are18 individual study booths which can also be converted to a small meeting room if required
- IT Suite. Our IT Suite is equipped with computers, all MS Office 2003 and linked to the internet. There is a networked printer and facilities for photocopying
- Teaching Rooms (2). These are equipped with computers and projectors, overhead projectors and slide projectors, flip chart, skeleton and examination couch. These rooms are used for timetabled teaching sessions
- Common Room. Primarily this is an informal area where students can relax. It is equipped with easy chairs, fridge, tea and coffee making facilities, microwave oven and a TV and video. There is an area with tables and chairs that can be used to hold small meetings or to eat at
- Library Facilities. Undergraduates also have full use of the McArdle Library situated within the Education Centre at Arrowe Park Hospital. All undergraduates are issued with a library card, which affords them 24 hour access.