Medical Education & Training

Wirral Hospital has successful history within the field of Medical Education. We offer a comprehensive Foundation Programme, where trainees have the opportunity to work in a wide number of specialities including GP placements.
We at Wirral are pleased to announce that we have signed the Excellence in Teaching Pledge giving our commitment to education to all staff.
Teaching sessions are run weekly within the Education Centre, in addition to a full lunchtime teaching programme open to all postgraduate trainees.
Specialty Teaching takes place within the centre as well as within clinical areas of the hospital. The hospitals Clinical Skills Lab offer dedicated training programmes to all trainees.
Our Director of Education, along with our Three Clinical Tutors work alongside Educational Supervisors and Senior Clinicians, to ensure all training grade staff receive the support and guidance they require.
We have Close links with the Health Education England North West and our teaching programmes are accredited on an annual basis.
Courses & Events

The Education Centre is proud to be able to host the following events:-
For Clinical Skills:-
Advanced Life Support Course - ALS Course
Neonatal Life Suport Course - NLS Course
Paediatric Life Support Course - PLS Course
Advanced Paediatric Life Support - APLS Course
Ill Medical Patient Acute Care Treatment - IMPACT Course
Dementia Awareness
For Learning & Development:-
Corporate Induction
Mandatory Training
For Examinations:-
MRCP - Membership of the Royal College of Physicians
MRCS - Membership to the Royal College of Surgeons
PACES - Practice examinations for Membership
LOCAS - Liverpool Objective Clinical Assessment System
General Courses & Events:-
Train the Trainer
Revalidation & Appraisal Training
Medical Supervision level 1
Step up from 1 to 2 Medical Supervision
Nutrician Study Day
Daring Bugs - Infection Control Awarness Day
Multidisciplinary Team Meetings (MDTs):-
Haematology MDT - Monday Afternoon - Seminar Room 8
Penile MDT - Wednesday Lunchtime 12:30 - 14:00 - Seminar Room 8
Paediatric Grand Round - Thursday Afternoon - Seminar Room 8
Urology MDT - Friday afternoon - Seminar Room 8