N.M.C Mentor Portfolio

In order to maintain your status of Mentor, the Nursing & Midwifery Council (N.M.C) requires you to keep an up to date portfolio, as evidence that you are developing as a mentor.
Evidence should be collected on a continual basis, which is fundamental for your triennial review (Nursing & Midwifery Council’s Standards to support learning and assessment in practice’ (2008 2nd edition):(page12) which will be a component of your personal review.
Please download Mentor Document of Evidence
Useful Links
- Health & Care Professionals Council
- Nursing & Midwifery Council
- Nursing & Midwifery Council’s Standards to support learning and assessment in practice’ (2008 2ndedition)
- OnlinePARE
University Websites
How do I maintain ‘active status’ as a Mentor
Nurses and midwives must hold a mentor or practice teacher qualification recognised by programme providers to support learning and assessment in practice NMC standard and meet any outstanding outcomes through continuing professional development (CPD).
Regularly participated in annual updating – to include an opportunity to meet and explore assessment and supervision issues with other Mentors/Practice Teachers. Explored as a group activity the validity and reliability of judgements made when assessing practice in challenging circumstances. Mentor update workshop booking.
Mentored at least 2 students (Practice Teachers to have supervised at least 1 student) within the three year period.
Supervisors of Midwives are required to mentor at least 1 student undertaking a supervisor of midwives programme during the three year period relating to triennial review.
Each Mentor or Practice Teacher must be reviewed every three years (triennial review) to ensure that only those who continue to meet the mentor/practice teacher requirements remain on the local register. The Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) requires you to keep an up to date portfolio, as evidence that you are developing as a mentor. Evidence should be collected on a continual basis, which is fundamental for your triennial review (Nursing & Midwifery Council’s Standards to support learning and assessment in practice’ (2008 2nd edition): (2.1 page 19) which will be a component of your personal development review.
Been deemed to have met all requirements needed to be maintained on the local register as a mentor, sign-off mentor or practice teacher.
An up-to-date local register (Placement Learning Support System) of current Mentors and Practice Teachers is maintained by Wirral University Teaching Hospital’s Practice Facilitator Team.
What is ‘Mentor Portfolio Document’?
The Mentor Portfolio Document is designed to be used in collaboration with the ‘NMC Standards to support learning and assessment in practice’ (2008 2nd edition) to provide supporting evidence for your triennial review. Which is intended to be used in conjunction with your professional portfolio as part of your annual review in anticipation of your triennial review date.
The N.M.C require that all Stage 2 Mentors map their knowledge and skills against the eight domains (NMC Standards: Annex 1 page 50) in the framework, each with identifiable outcomes at the four developmental stages.