N.M.C Triennial Review Guidance

Managers Guidance
This guidance sheet has been compiled to support managers regarding the triennial review process.
As part of the Triennial Review process Mentors and Practice Teachers (Standards page 12) are required to provide evidence for the information requested below. Upon completion of review process the clinical area's Practice Educational Facilitator must be informed via email to maintain active status on the Practice Learning Support System (P.L.S.S), as stated by the NMC'Standards to support learning and assessment in practice' (2nd edition 2008). The information will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and will not be used for any other purpose than the administration of the Practice Learning Support System (P.L.S.S) (Audit question 8.11.1).
Who requires a triennial review and why?
The NMC (2008c) (page12) requires that every mentor Stage 2 (inc: sign off mentor and practice teacher) to undertake a triennial review which is part of the appraisal system or as part of a job role. In other words it means that the mentor must hold a recognised mentor qualification,is identified on the local "live" register,and can demonstrate how they have updated their knowlwdge,skills and competence. Our local register is the PLSS (Placement Learning Support System) This system is maintained and updated by the Practice Education Facilitators within the Trust.
The online Triennial Review Form is below.
Triennial Review
How often is a triennial review required?
The triennial review is required every three years. This means that every registered mentor must show evidence of having supported and assessed a minimum of 2 students during that three year period.
For example if a nurse obtains their mentorship qualification in September 2014 their review would be due in September 2017. It would be desirable that evidence is collated during this time.
The online Triennial Review Form is below:
Triennial Review
How do I complete the triennial review?
In order to complete the triennial review you need to understand the question within each criteria. The questions are as follows.
Has your mentor mentored 2 students within the last 3 years?
Does your mentor have a portfolio of evidence. Anonymous evidence through reflection can be held here. The portfolio is very simple to maintain for mentors and importantly it acts as evidence for quality assurance purposes.
Has your mentor attended an annual mentor update?
Attending an update gives your mentor the opportunity to explore assessment and supervision issues with others mentors. The NMC requests mentors update annually. Go to the Essential register training link on the trust intranet to book your mentors onto sessions.
We advise mentors bring their mentor document of evidence to be signed by the facilitator as evidence of attendance, making the triennial review process easier for yourselves.
Has your mentor explored as a group activity the validity and reliability of judgements made when assessing practice in challenging circumstances?
As part of the mentor update discussions regarding anonymous student scenarios raise discussion about mentor judgements. Mentors share their actions in dealing with challenging circumstances and answers can be given to questions through discussion. It is also important to note that mentors do use their peer colleagues within placement practice to make judgements on learner performance. Managers may have been involved in these discussions.
Has mapped ongoing development in their role against the current Standards to support learning and Assessment in Practice (NMC 2008a)
The 8 domains within the NMC Standards have outcomes that can be discussed during the review.The domains are:
- Establishing effective working relationships.
- Facilitation of learning
- Assessment and accountability
- Evaluation of learning
- Creating an environment for learning
- Context of practice
- Evidence-based practice
- Leadership
Deemed to have met all the requirements needed to be maintained on the local register as a mentor or sign off mentor?
What happens to the triennial review once it is completed ?
Once complete an electronic copy goes to the Practice Facilitator Team, and the mentor is updated accordingly on the PLSS Database system. We would advise that you print a copy for your own evidence in the individual mentors records.