Education Centre facilities

The Charmian Wiltshire Suite and Lecture Theatre
The newly named Charmian Wiltshire Suite consists of 5 classroom style seminar rooms and 3 boardroom style seminar rooms. All rooms with a laptop are MS Office 2010 compatible.
Seminar Room 1
This is a small 6 seated meeting room which has the capacity for a flip-chart and whiteboard to be available upon request and subject to availability.
Seminar Room 2, 3 and 5
Consists of a 10 seated classroom that has a laptop, projector, DVD and video facilities. Additional equipment are whiteboard and flip-chart as standard.
Seminar Room 4
This is a small 8 seated meeting room which has the capacity for a flip-chart and whiteboard to be available upon request and subject to availability
Seminar Room 6a and 6b
This is a split room that can be separated into 2 - 20 seated classrooms or a large 40 seated classroom as it has a removable room divider. A laptop, projector, DVD and video facilities. Additional equipment are whiteboard and flip-chart as standard.
Seminar Room 7
This is a 20 seated classroom. A laptop, projector, DVD and video facilities. Additional equipment are whiteboard and flip-chart as standard.
Seminar Room 8
This is our large boardroom style room. Whilst it has a laptop, projector and flip-chart - it also houses two video-conferencing facilities. We are able to provide ISDN and IP video-conferencing provided that we have the information in advance to ensure that all is working correctly. There is also the use of a microscope that can be viewed through the projector.
The Lecture Theatre
This is a state of the art Lecture theatre that can accommodate 163 people. It has integrated SMART Sympodium facilities with a HD projector. The PC is Microsoft Office 2010 compatible and also provides the use of a visualiser and microscope. The lecture theatre can also provide ISDN video-conferencing if required.
Dining Room
We are able to accommodate a dining facility that can be booked with our lecture theatre or as a venue for a dinner. We can accommodate any number up to 160 with prior warning subject to availability.