Advanced Fibrosis

Pearl Study
About Pearl
We are looking for patients with liver cirrhosis caused by one of the underlying conditions of HCV, HBV, alcohol-related, NAFLD and haemochromatosis, who have never been diagnosed with liver cancer.
We are aiming to recruit 20 people to this study. Nation-wide this study aims to recruit 3,000 people.
Taking Part
- We will take a blood and urine sample from you.
- You will complete a brief health questionnaire.
- We will see you again in 18 months.
- All visits will be completed during your normal liver clinic appointments.
- You will take part in the study for 3 years.
- There are no extra visits to hospital to take part in the study
I Am Interested
If you're eligible to take part, your doctor will speak to you at your appointment.