Premature babies and children

This is a list of conditions we currently have research studies for. Click to reveal more.
Premature babies (feeding study) - NeoGastric
The NeoGASTRIC study will compare two ways of caring for babies having tube feeds, both ways are part of routine care, and both are commonly used in neonatal units across the UK and Australia. All eligible babies will be included unless parents/carers wish to opt out.
Who can take part?
Parents of babies who have been born under 34 weeks gestational age will be given a study leaflet for consideration.
More information
Please visit the study website for more information.
Premature babies (build up of acid levels in blood)
The BASE study is looking at the use of a medicine called sodium bicarbonate in preterm babies in metabolic acidosis. Metabolic acidosis is a build up of acid in the blood.
Who can take part?
Parents of babies born 23-30+6 gestation will be given an information leaflet and asked to give verbal consent.
More information
For more information visit the study website.
Newly-diagnosed diabetes
The ADDRESS2 study purpose is to further understanding of the development and progression of type 1 diabetes and to establish a resource to facilitate type 1 diabetes research.
Who can take part?
Newly diagnosed diabetic children, recruited within 6 months of diagnosis
More information
Visit the study website to find out more.
Preterm babies end of life care
The ENHANCE study is a survey of parents’/guardians’ experiences of end of life care for their baby or child aged 0-18 years
Who can take part?
Parents of preterm babies who have passed away.
More information
For more information visit study website.
Feeding premature babies - FEED1

The FEED1 study is a feeding study comparing gradual milk feeds with intravenous fluids (fluids added to veins) / parental nutrition (special food fluids added to veins) vs full milk feeds initiated in the first 24 hours after birth to compare if giving full feeds reduces the length of stay and reduced infection.
Who can take part?
Babies who were born between 30 and 33 weeks were eligible.