Taking part in research

Research is vital in order to provide evidence to improve treatment for patients within our care. If your doctor is in agreement, you may be invited to participate whilst you are a patient at one of our hospitals. Detailed information will be provided to enable you to make an informed decision about deciding to participate.
You will be provided with the following:
- a full explanation of the study by your doctor or nurse
- a full explanation of potential benefits (or risks) of participating in the study
- a copy of the Patient Information Sheet
- sufficient time to allow you to make an informed decision, including time to talk about the study with family or friends and time to allow you to ask your doctor or nurse any additional questions that you may have
- a Patient Consent Form to sign to confirm that you understand the study and wish to participate
- an understanding that you can withdraw, at any time, from the study without compromising your care.
All research within our hospital will have received the appropriate regulatory approvals prior to the research starting.