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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Feedback, Compliments, Concerns and Complaints

Patient Experience

All feedback from our patients is useful to us. We want to continue to improve our services, and so knowing what you think of WUTH is really important to us. Maybe you’ve experienced really fantastic care or have some thoughts on how we might improve.

The Patient Experience Team helps the Trust to develop its services by collecting and channelling feedback from patients, carers and visitors.

To contact the team:

  • Call:0800 432 0251 (Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 16:00 hours)
  • Emailwuth.patientexperience@nhs.net
  • Write: Patient Experience Team, Clatterbridge Hospital, Birch House, Clatterbridge Road, Bebington, Wirral CH63 4JY.

Patient Focus Group

If you would like to join our Patient Focus Group please read our leaflet ‘Talk to Us About Your Patient Experience’ at the bottom of this page.

Healthwatch Wirral

You might prefer to talk to someone independent. HealthWatch Wirral can offer free advice and support to anyone. They can be contacted on 0151 230 8957 or email info@healthwatchwirral.co.uk. To visit the HealthWatch Wirral website click on the link in the left menu.

Further options

You can leave a review on the NHS.UK or Care Opinion websites. Please see the links in the menu on the left. We always endeavour to respond to these reviews as soon as possible.

You can also get in touch with us on social media by searching for WUTHnhs on Facebook and Twitter.

Making a complaint

Anyone who is receiving care or treatment at WUTH can make a complaint. Sometimes you might just want to raise a concern with us rather than make a formal complaint. With your permission, a relative, friend or carer can make a complaint, or raise concerns, on your behalf.

In the first instance you can raise your concerns with someone providing your care. Most concerns can usually be resolved immediately by the staff who are looking after you. This may be your nurse, midwife, doctor or health worker. Explain what happened and they will do their best to put things right as quickly as possible. You can also contact our Patient Experience Team.

If you would like to find out how to make a complaint, please read our leaflet ’How to Raise a Concern or Complaint’ at the bottom of this page.

Although the Trust usually aims to respond to formal complaints within 40 working days, due to current operational and service pressures, we are sorry that it may take longer; however, where there are such delays the Patient Experience Team will endeavour to keep you updated.





Additional Documents

Patient Experience Leaflet DEC 22[87], Modified: 17/02/2025 11:56AM | Download: Patient Experience Leaflet DEC 22[87]