Professor Simon Rogers has been appointed WUTH’s new Lead for Clinical Research

Professor Simon Rogers has been appointed Wirral University Teaching Hospital (WUTH)'s new Lead for Clinical Research.
Simon joined WUTH in May 2022. He is very keen to build the research portfolio at WUTH to give us a local and national profile as well as improving care for all our patients.
Research is a vital component of improving the health of our patient population as well as discovering new treatments as WUTH did successfully during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Simon qualified from Sheffield University Dental School in 1984. He became a Fellow of the Dental Faculty of the Royal College of Surgeons England in 1988 and qualified with honours from Birmingham University Medical School in 1990. Prior to joining WUTH earlier this year as a consultant in maxillofacial surgery, Simon worked as a Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon at Aintree University Hospital with special interest in oncology and reconstruction. He has previously been a Clinical Director of the Regional Oral and Maxillofacial Unit, as well as an Associate Divisional Medical Director.
In 2000 he was awarded his MD from the University of Birmingham. In 2002 he was awarded a Hunterian Professorship from the Royal College of Surgeons of England. In November 2006 he joined Edge Hill University, and has held a professorial position in the Faculty of Health, Social Care and Medicine since 2007. In addition, in 2017 his longstanding collaboration with Liverpool University was reflected in an Honorary Professor in the Department of Molecular and Clinical Cancer Medicine. He has published extensively on the subject of patient reported outcome and quality of life (ORCID identifier: 0000-0002-5989-6142). He was instrumental in the development of the UW-QOLv4 as published in 2002 and this has emerged as one of the most commonly reported QOL questionnaires used in head and neck cancer. Recently as Chief Investigator, he has seen the successful completion of the NIHR funded trial: ‘Improving quality of life through the routine use of the Patient Concerns Inventory for head and neck cancer patients: a cluster preference randomized controlled trial (NCT03086629).
Simon is currently Chair of the Steering Group tasked by NHS England with the delivery of the quality of life metric as part of the ‘Achieving World-Class Cancer Outcomes: a strategy for England 2015-2020’.