Wirral Hospital opens voting for People's Choice Award

Wirral University Teaching NHS Hospital (WUTH) hold their annual awards ceremony to provide a special opportunity to recognise the hard work, commitment and service provided by staff members and teams across the organisation.
And now, the public can get involved too. The Trust is inviting patients and members of the public to nominate a team or individual, working within the Trust, who they think deserves a special award.
Patients and families with experiences of staff in Arrowe Park Hospital, Clatterbridge General Hospital and the Wirral Women and Children’s Hospital are invited to nominate an NHS employee of their choice.
Sharon Landrum Workforce Engagement and Inclusion Lead at WUTH said:
”Did you or a loved one receive excellent care or support whilst at one of our hospital sites? Did you feel the staff went over and above expectations and made a difference to the experience you or your loved one had? Do you feel they deserve extra recognition?
“If so, why not nominate them to win a Patient Choice Award! This is a wonderful opportunity to formally recognise the efforts and achievements of our staff and really does make a difference. We would love to hear from you!”
The Patient Choice Award will be presented at WUTH’s annual Staff Awards ceremony next spring.
The winner will be an individual or team who has shown achievements against one or more of the criteria below:
- Actions that exceed expectations and show consideration for the needs of patients.
- Positive impact on patient care and experience, showing kindness, compassion, and empathy; evidence of person-centred care.
- Focus on the patient in their decision making, showing consideration to their needs.
- Inspirational role models that lead by example and support colleagues with a positive and inclusive attitude.
- A clinical team that leads by example, going “above and beyond” in delivering patient care.
If you know of staff who match the qualities above, the Trust is encouraging you to nominate them for an award. You’ll find an online nomination form on the Trust website, by following the link here.
You can also pick up a nomination form in the main entrance of either Arrowe Park or Clatterbridge hospitals. Please return your completed form
- By post to: Workforce Engagement and Inclusion Team, Library, Education Centre, Arrowe Park Hospital, Upton, Wirral, CH49 5PE,
- In person: Post it in the letter box at our reception area at either Hospital
- By email: Scan the form and email to wuth.engagementandinclusion@nhs.net.
You have until 1pm on Friday 22nd December 2023 to submit your nomination. Don’t delay, get your nomination in now!