Therapy Dog Brings Joy to Children’s Ward on National Pet Day

In celebration of National Pet Day on April 11, Wirral Women and Children’s Hospital at Arrowe Park, welcomed a special guest. Spartacus, a gentle therapy dog, accompanied by his handler Eileen Slattery, made a heart warming visit to the children’s ward.
Organised by the Birkenhead based charity Therapy Dogs Nationwide, these visits aim to provide comfort, distraction, and stimulation.
Spartacus, with his soft golden fur and empathetic eyes, worked his magic as he interacted with the young patients.
Eileen, an experienced volunteer, knows first hand the impact these furry companions can have in healing environments.
“We work with a wide group of people within the community and beyond,” she said, noting that 11-year-old Spartacus was the first therapy dog to ever visit both Houses of Parliament. “Our work in residential care homes have improved communication in patients by evoking memories and stimulating conversation.
“Our dogs have also shown to help with special needs and autistic children and adults by giving focus and providing a calming environment.”
From soothing touch to bridging communication gaps, Spartacus certainly brought joy to the children’s ward at Arrowe Park. As National Pet Day unfolded, playrooms echoed with laughter and a wagging tail.
“We are grateful for the dedicated work of therapy dogs like Spartacus and his handler Eileen in bringing joy and healing to our patients on the children’s ward,” said ward manager Emily Thomas. “It has been a pleasure to host them.”
Let us celebrate Spartacus, Eileen, and all the furry heroes spreading love and compassion, one paw at a time.
Caption: Spartacus and Nellie