Young and at-risk urged to get latest top-up COVID-19 vaccine

Young and at-risk urged to come forward for latest top-up COVID-19 vaccine in the last few weeks of spring programme
Younger people who are at extra risk from COVID-19 are being urged to get their life-saving spring vaccine before the latest offer ends on Sunday 30 June.
NHS England – North West’s vaccine lead, Andrew Bibby, has made a final call for all those eligible who have yet to have their top-up dose to come forward. He particularly appealed to those aged six months and over with a weakened immune system to get protected, as figures show fewer younger at-risk people have had their spring vaccine in the North West compared to other eligible groups.
Data shows that fewer than one in five (18.54%) of eligible under 75s in the region – people who are immunosuppressed due to a health condition or medical treatment - have taken up the spring vaccine offer, compared with around half of those aged 75+.
More than 400,000 doses of the spring vaccine have been delivered in the North West, since the latest programme started on 15 April. This is part of more than 20 million Covid vaccine doses delivered in the region since the very start of the programme in December 2020.
Andrew Bibby, Interim Regional Director of S7a Public Health Commissioning at NHS England – North West said: “It’s concerning to see that some of our lowest uptake is in people in younger age groups who are at additional risk from COVID-19 and more likely to develop more severe illness, including more significant respiratory symptoms, and being hospitalised.
“With a few weeks to go until the programme ends on 30 June, it’s still as important now, if you’re eligible for a spring booster, to have the top up, and not miss out on getting the best protection against becoming very unwell with COVID-19.”
Across the next four weeks there are more than 100,000 appointments in the North West available to be booked on the NBS (National Booking Service), on the NHS app or by calling 119, at hundreds of sites across the region.
Dr Fiona Lemmens, Associate Medical Director, NHS Cheshire and Merseyside, said: “We’re encouraging anyone eligible, including those who have not received any previous doses, to get vaccinated during this year’s spring offer.
“There are more than 180 sites offering bookable and walk in appointments across Cheshire and Merseyside, including GP practices, hospital hubs, community pharmacies and mobile clinics such as Cheshire & Merseyside’s Living Well Bus. Find a clinic near you by visiting the NHS Cheshire and Merseyside website or NHS walk-in finder.”
People who haven’t received an invite but believe they are eligible for the spring vaccine can check eligibility online at Getting a COVID-19 vaccine - NHS (
Alternatively, they can self-declare via the National Booking Service and then speak to a clinician on site.
Those invited should make sure their appointment takes place at least three months since their last dose.