Snore Plugs

SnorePlug The ideal way to block out noise. Each individual Custom Earplug is hand crafted and shaped to fit the ear perfectly.
SnorePlug can be worn comfortably all night and greatly reduces noise entering the ear allowing a peaceful night’s sleep for the wearer.
SnorePlug is made from a soft, medical grade silicone and comes complete with Soft Pouch, Comfort Cream and Instructions.
SnorePlug is available in a choice of colours.
- Super Soft Silicone Material
- Choice of colours
- Maximum Noise Reduction
- Ideal in situations where no hearing is required
- Shaped for comfort
- Soft Pouch, Comfort Cream and instructions included
£ 49.99 per set
For further information please contact Audiology Department at Arrowe Park Hospital
Additional Documents
Colour chart for NoiseBarrier and SnorePlugs,
Modified: 15/08/2018 10:36AM | Download:
Colour chart for NoiseBarrier and SnorePlugs