FAQs and useful information

Find out the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions here:
How do I contact Audiology?
You can contact the department of Audiology at the below details:
Audiology Department
Arrowe Park Hospital
Arrowe Park Road
CH49 5PE
Tel: 0151 604 7113
Fax: 0151 604 7372
Where can I find out about learning to lip read?
Lipreading classes are often known as ‘Managing Hearing Loss’ or ‘Speech reading’ classes. They are run either by Association of Teachers of Lipreading to Adults (ATLA)-trained tutors, or by people not formally qualified but with a great deal of valuable lipreading and teaching experience.
Click here to view Hearing Links helpful guide to finding a lipreading class near you.
[Information supplied by HearlingLink.org]
When should I contact Audiology if I have an issue with my hearing aid?
Some of the issues you may experience with your hearing aid may be resolved by you.
Click the helpful quick check flowchart below to see if it's a problem you can solve on your own or whether you need more expert help.
Alternatively, you can read our troubleshooting chart for more assistance.
How do I know if I've correctly inserted my hearing aid, my ear mould or my hearing aid battery?
Click on one of our helpful picture guides below to find detailed information to help you:
Where can I find out more useful information?
The below leaflets offer some useful tips and information of coping with hearing loss or the hearing loss of a friend or loved one.