Cancer Management Team

The Cancer Management team consists of The Cancer Manager (Lynsey Gorman), Clinical Lead (Liviu Titu), Macmillan Lead Cancer Nurse, (Dawn Miller) and Data Manager (Evelyn Roganski,) together they are responsible for driving the implementation of the National Cancer Strategy at a local level and ensuring that cancer services delivered at WUTH are of a high quality.
Lead Cancer Clinician
The Lead Clinician is responsible for the clinical organisation, leadership and delivery of cancer within the Trust.
Macmillan Lead Cancer Nurse
The Lead Cancer Nurse works with the Cancer Services Manager and the Lead Cancer Clinician to ensure the delivery of the NHS Cancer plan and promote the survivorship agenda for patients living with and beyond cancer. To provide professional nursing advice and leadership to the cancer Clinical Nurse Specialists within WUTH supporting the delivery of a high quality, patient centred cancer care. The Macmillan Lead Cancer Nurse manages and work alongside the Macmillan Cancer Information centre to ensure patients and carers across the organisation are supported with the information they require.
Cancer Services Manager
The Cancer Services Manager provides a Trust wide focus for directorate and service specific managers. Responsibilities include the implementation of national cancer service standards and the implementation of action plans resulting from cancer services peer review process.
Cancer Data Manager
The Cancer Data Manager is responsible for data relating to cancer for patients referred, diagnosed and treated at Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and timely submission of accurate and quality data to the National Cancer Registry and National Audits.