Head and neck cancer

A rapid diagnostic service (RDS) is in place for suspected head and neck cancers. Our aim is to diagnose or rule out cancer within 28 days.
RDS can include same day biopsies and designated slots for scans.
Our team includes:
- Helen Beer, Cancer Lead
Four ear nose and throat (ENT) surgeons:
- Mr Gerry O’Sullivan
- Mr Venkat Srinivasan
- Miss Helen Beer
- Miss Bethan Jones
Three maxillofacial surgeons:
- Professor Simon Rogers
- Mr Carl Jones
- Mr Stanley Parikh
- Visiting consultants from Aintree Attend clinics.
- Mr Owais Khattak, H&N Maxillofacial Surgeon (weekly)
- Mr Christopher Loh, H&N ENT Surgeon (bi weekly)
- Dr Caroline Brammer, Oncologist (bi weekly)
- Sister Ursula Scully, Clinic Manager
- Dr Haworth, Head and Neck Radiologist
- Adam Cameron, Radiographer
- Sainu Jose and Katy Gaskell, H&N Cancer Specialist Nurses
- Emma James, H&N Cancer Care Coordinator
- Gail Bailey, Head and Neck Speech and Language Therapist
Most head and neck cancer treatment takes place at Aintree Hospital or Clatterbridge Cancer Centre in Liverpool. Surgery is performed at WUTH for the majority of thyroid cancers and subsequent treatment is with Nuclear Medicine if required.
Contact details
Head and Neck CNS team direct dial 0151 604 7398
The CNS team is available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm for physical and mental wellbeing advice, symptom advice, appropriate referrals and psychological support. Patients are followed up for five years, and support is available beyond this.