Lung Cancer

Our local lung cancer team consists of local chest physicians, specialist nurses, radiologists, pathologists with close links to Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology and Hospice services. We meet weekly as a team to discuss on-going management of all patients under our care (this includes consultant surgical and oncology colleagues).
Most people are referred to the service after a CT scan. If a CT scan has not been done it is likely this will be the first step. All referrals are reviewed by a respiratory consultant daily with a detailed report of the CT scan and all available electronic healthcare records. Following this review all patients are contacted by a specialist nurse to inform them of outcome. If further investigations are required patients are contacted by one of our lung specialist nurses to explain the process and contact information is given.
Locally we offer a full range of diagnostic tests including bronchoscopy, endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS), dedicated pleural clinic and medical thoracoscopy. If required we will arrange the most appropriate test to investigate possible lung cancer. Very occasionally we may need to arrange investigations at another hospital if we cannot arrange locally. You may also require detailed lung function testing or occasionally exercise testing which are arranged in our dedicated respiratory laboratory.
As part of standard investigation and treatment you may be asked to be involved in clinical trials which are run locally. This will be explained at your outpatient appointments.
If you require any further information regarding your lung cancer please see the 'Related links' on the left.
Members of Lung Cancer MDT
Consultant Chest Physicians:
· Dr A Wight (Lung Cancer lead physician) Dr Z Wahbi Dr J Corless Dr A Bull Dr H Tan Dr A Hufton
Lung cancer Nurse specialists-
· Kay Hughes
· Paula Deus
· Rachel Manning
Consultant Thoracic Surgeons:
· Mr M Shackcloth
Consultant Oncologists:
· Dr A Pope
· Dr R Griffiths
Consultant Radiologists:
· Dr V Williamson
· Dr D Hughes
· Dr Y Jones
Consultant Histopathologists/Cytologists:
· Dr K Gumparthy