Skin (dermatology) cancer

The dermatology service has four consultant dermatologists, speciality doctors and rotating specialist registrars along a skin cancer clinical nurse specialist.
The dermatology department is situated at Clatterbridge Hospital and has an out-patient department that provides outpatient clinics, minor skin surgery and photodynamic therapy. There is an outreach dermatology clinic in Victoria Central Hospital.
The local skin multidisciplinary team (LMDT) meets weekly and discusses all skin cancers diagnosed and treated in WUTH and in primary care.
The LMDT includes the maxillofacial and oculoplastic surgeons and an oncologist. We also refer patients to the plastics surgeons at Merseyside and West Lancashire Trust (specialist skin MDT SSMDT) and Countess of Chester.
If you require any additional information regarding skin cancer please refer to the British Association of Dermatologists patient information leaflets.