Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer (Stomach and Oesophageal)

The upper gastrointestinal (GI) cancer service is situated at Arrowe Park Hospital and consists of one consultant and two upper GI clinical nurse specialists. We work in collaboration with Liverpool University Foundation Trust (LUFT) and the Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology. We have a super-regional weekly meeting (multidisciplinary team or MDT) to discuss diagnosis, staging, treatment, and management of all our patients. This consists of specialists from the Cheshire and Merseyside area, and includes upper GI surgeons, gastroenterologists, radiologists, oncologists, histopathologists, anaesthetists, dietitians, and specialist nurses.
Following referral to the service our patients will be contacted by one of our specialist nurses, this would normally be in the endoscopy department once cancer has been detected. Our specialist nurses will keep in regular contact with each patient and arrange any further necessary investigations prior to MDT. Following MDT, each patient is reviewed by our lead cancer nurse specialist in the outpatient department and information regarding diagnosis and treatment is discussed and onward referrals made.
Locally we offer a range of diagnostic investigations and procedures including gastroscopy, various radiological imaging, endoscopic ultrasound, oesophageal dilatation, oesophageal stenting, pyloric Botox, NG/NJ insertion and RIG placements. On occasion investigations may be conducted at the regional upper GI centre based in LUFT (Liverpool site) and may include advanced endoscopic procedures, staging laparoscopy, and surgery. Investigations to establish lung and heart function may be required prior to starting treatment and these will be performed within our respiratory and cardiac departments.
Our service also includes ongoing support, assessment and follow up for each patient and includes nurse led post operative follow up clinics, nurse led post oncology follow up clinics, post stent clinics, symptom management clinics and holistic needs assessment clinics. There is also a dedicated telephone advice line that each patient has access to.
If you require any further information, please refer to the links on the left.
To refer to the upper GI team please contact wih-tr.UpperGICNS@nhs.net.