Wirral Hepatobiliary Service

The Wirral Hepatobiliary (HPB) Service was introduced in 2008, is the only dedicated HPB cancer team within the Merseyside & Cheshire region and is a member of the Merseyside & Cheshire HPB Clinical Network Group.
The team is comprised of four Consultants (Drs Singhal, Dr Noorullah, Dr Taha, Dr Summers, Dr Kia, Dr Matthews, Dr Singhal, Dr Ramanaden), two Clinical Nurse Specialists and a valued support team consisting of Consultant Secretaries, MDT co-ordinator and administration clerk, all working collaboratively with health care professionals local and regionally, patients and their families.
Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is a non-tertiary centre, working in close collaboration with the specialist regional centres which include University Hospital Aintree (suspected primary cancers affecting the liver, gall bladder or the bile duct (above the cystic duct)) and the Royal Liverpool University Hospital (suspected primary cancers affecting the pancreas and the bile duct (below the cystic duct)). For patients requiring chemotherapy, effective collaboration with Clatterbridge Cancer Centre is also required again, ensuring timely referral for consultation and treatment.
Patients are referred to the Wirral HPB service in the event of:
- Suspected cancer of the liver, gall bladder, bile duct, pancreas, duodenum
- Indeterminate lesion / dysplastic nodules
- Intra-ductal papillary neoplasm (IPMN)
- Follicular nodular hyperplasia (FNH)
- Adenoma / Haemangioma / Complex liver cysts
Following referral, discussion of the patient’s case at the appropriate MDT is arranged.
Surveillance programmes are in operation for those with potentially pre-cancerous lesions including:
- intra-ductal papillary neoplasm (IPMN) (approximately 500 patients under active monitoring)
- Indeterminate lesion / dysplastic nodules, follicular nodular hyperplasia (FNH), adenoma, haemangioma, complex liver cysts
To refer to this service, please direct a detailed letter (which should include information regarding the reason for referral, past medical history, current medication, performance status and patient insight) to Joanne Kirkham, Gastroenterology Secretary, Second floor, Arrowe Park Hospital.
Please send urgent referrals via email to the Urgent Referral Gastroenterology Secretaries on wuth.urgentreferrals@nhs.net.