What happens at the PR exercise classes?

Pulmonary Rehabilitation classes are welcoming and friendly. Each session is led by a specialist physiotherapist who is happy to answer any questions you may have. Everything will be explained and demonstrated so that you feel comfortable and safe. At all times during the exercise you are monitored closely by the physiotherapist and assistant.
The class begins with a gentle 'warm-up' for a couple of minutes.
You'll then complete a range of different exercises to help improve your fitness at a level that suits your own needs. The exercises include:-
- Exercise bike
- Step ups
- Ball throw
- Treadmill
- Arm curls
- Walking
At the end of the exercise period a 'cool-down' is completed.
Don't worry if you have other health problems that you think might stop you from exercising. The physiotherapist has lots of experience in adapting exercises for patients with various medical conditions.