What will i learn at the PR sessions?

The education part of the programme is very important. It will help you to understand how to manage your condition so that you can live a more active and fulfilling life. The talks are given by physiotherapists, nurses, dieticians and other members of staff linked to the NHS.
The topics covered include:-
- Anatomy and Physiology - How the lungs work and what they look like
- What is COPD & other respiratory conditions?
- Sputum clearance - How to effectively clear sputum from the lungs
- Managing breathlessness - Advice and guidance
- Respiratory medications - What do the inhalers and tablets do
- Inhaler technique - How to best use inhalers
- Early warning signs of chest infection and what to do
- Diet
- The benefits of exercise
The education takes place following the exercise session and refreshments are provided.