
Informatics harnesses the power and possibility of digital technology to transform data and information into knowledge, to help improve delivery of health care. Here at Wirral University Teaching Hospital (WUTH), we have a strong commitment to providing IT services and support to heath care services across Wirral. We are dedicated to working with our service providers to ensure we develop and improve processes to ensure the best healthcare can be provided to our patients.
The Informatics service encompasses the following departments:
- Service Desk (first line support)
- IT (Desktop support)
- Network Team
- Project Team
- Clinical Analyst Team
- Information Team
- Development Team
Support for External Organisations
WUTH Informatics supports multiple systems to our WUTH colleagues and external health organisations here on the Wirral. Part of our commitment to these external organisations is ensuring that they too have access to the necessary support channels, to enable them to provide the best health care to patients.
If you are experiencing an issue with a system supported by WUTH Informatics, then the details of this issue will need to be raised directly with the WUTH IT Service desk. Please use the following contact details to provide as much information as possible of the issue you are experiencing.
IT Service Desk |
0151 552 1888 | |
Change Request
If you have identified an aspect of a system supported by WUTH Informatics that requires a change, in the first instance you must discuss this change with your line manager for internal approval.
If internal approval is received, then the approving manager should complete the following form detailing the change required, considering the impact it could potentially have on other organisations and the reasons for why this change is important to your service. Once this form has been submitted, a copy of your request will be registered on the WUTH IT Helpdesk system and you will be notified of your unique reference number. Your request will be reviewed by senior approvers within the trust and their decision will be fed back via email.
Please click here to request a change (External Organisations)