Stroke Specialist Dietitian Team

Our team of registered dietitians provide specialist nutritional care for patients who have experienced a stroke.
Our Services:
Our team of dietitians provide individualised nutrition care plans for patients following a stroke. We will regularly monitor patients progress and adapt their nutritional goals accordingly. We work with patients and their families to give tailored advice on a range of dietary modifications.
Our team of specialist dietitians can help with the following:
- Dietary texture modification: Many patients after a stroke have difficulty swallowing and may need dietary texture modification. Our team of specialist dietitians work closely with our Speech and Language Therapy team to provide personalised texture modified dietary advice.
- Tube feeding: Some patients who have an unsafe swallow or who are not able to meet their nutritional requirements by diet alone may need to have a specialist tube inserted to improve their nutritional status. We will assess each patient and provide specialist tube-feeding advice for patients.
- Individualised assessment and care plans: A poor appetite, weight loss and an inadequate dietary intake can affect post stroke recovery and rehabilitation. We will give an individual assessment and provide suitable dietary plans for patients who are underweight.
Our small team of specialist dietitians work alongside the stroke multidisciplinary team to support patients manage their dietary intake, optimise nutritional intake, and help improve each patients recovery post-stroke.
Inpatients: We provide specialist care to acutely unwell patients on the acute stroke unit and the stroke ward (ward 23) at Arrowe Park Hospital. We also provide nutritional intervention for patients who are receiving stroke rehabilitation on the Clatterbridge Rehab Unit.
Outpatients: If patients continue to need dietetic support on discharge we can offer further support in one of our general dietetic outpatient clinics at APH, or we can arrange follow up by the Wirral NHS Community Dietetic Team.