Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to some common questions
How long will your appointment take?
The length of your appointment will depend on the nature of your referral. As a guide, appointments usually take a minimum of 20 minutes and for complex assessments and casts up to an hour.
You can see more information about your appointment via the Your Appointment page.
Can you bring a friend or family member with you to the appointment?
You are very welcome to bring someone with you to your appointment.
How long will it take for you to be supplied with your Orthosis?
This will depend on what orthosis you require. We hold a stock of certain items which can be supplied on the day of your appointment. However, some patients require bespoke items, these items will have to be ordered and times vary dependent on the type of orthosis ordered. The orthotist will make a further appointment for you to return to have your orthosis fitted before you leave.
What footwear is best for accommodating an Orthosis?
It may be necessary to change your chosen style of footwear if your orthosis is to be effective. Shoes or boots should have a strong, wide, supportive base. Any shoes with a heel higher than three centimetres are generally unsuitable for use, as are most types of slip-on and court shoes, as they will either end up too tight or slip off when walking. Generally, trainers or other shoes with a fastening (laces or Velcro) are the best for accommodating orthoses.
Removing the original inlay from inside your shoes will create extra space for your orthosis.
Please see link for further footwear advice.
What to do if you have not heard anything further regarding your appointment
Please contact the orthotics service on the numbers provided on the left of this page.
How many Orthoses will you get?
Please see table below which outlines what you are entitled to as a patient.
What type of shoe is best to raise/modify?
Enclosed shoes with a secure fastening (laces or Velcro) are best suited to be adapted. Shoes with a reasonable sole and heel material depth, a plain wedge-type sole unit of a firm density material, and trainers without air bubbles, are suitable styles.
Avoid shoes with welt stitching through the sole, or sole units with hollows, cut-outs or complex tread patterns. Shoes with black, white or brown soles will give a more cosmetic appearance rather than unusual, bright or multi-coloured soles.
If you are unsure about the suitability of your shoes for adaptations, please ask at reception when you bring in shoes for adaptation.
We also have a leaflet to advise on adapting your footwear.
What to do if your Orthosis needs repair
Please keep your orthoses in good repair. If the orthosis you have been provided with breaks or becomes worn contact the department by using the contact details to the left of this page regarding its repair. For example, if you have received footwear you can drop them into the department to be re-soled as necessary, or to have Velcro straps replaced on splints or new covers on functional foot orthoses/insoles.
Please ensure you label your devices when dropping them off. We will contact you when they are ready for collection.
Can you purchase additional Orthoses privately?
Yes, certain orthoses can be purchased privately if you require additional items above your entitlement. Please contact the Orthotic Department further information if you wish to do this.
Do you need a new referral for another prescription when your orthosis no longer fits or wears out?
If you have been seen in the Orthotic Department within the last 12 months then you can contact the Orthotic Department directly to make a review appointment. If you have not been seen in the Orthotic Department for over 12 months then you will need a new referral from either your GP or your consultant.