Cellular Pathology

Cellular pathology is the study of organs and tissues, and is used to diagnose illnesses and medical problems, similar to other branches of medicine, such as blood testing, radiology, blood transfusion and biochemistry. We analyse the causes of certain diseases and the effects that they are having on the body. Cellular pathologists also help decide which treatment is appropriate, assist in determining a prognosis and help find out what may have caused a person’s death.
There are two main areas within cellular pathology: histopathology, which involves the examination of sampled whole tissues under the microscope. and diagnostic cytopathology (Non-gynaecology), which is the examination of single cells. The department no longer provides a cervical cytology screening service, this service is now conducted by Liverpool Clinical Laboratories.
Who we are
The Cellular Pathology Laboratory provides a high quality, cost effective service to the Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS foundation trust, GP’s and community hospitals within the Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group area and is a referral centre for specialist services for other trusts and Clinical Commissioning Groups outside the Wirral. It is continually upgrading the test repertoire offered to reflect developments in the medical field. The laboratories are staffed by highly qualified and experienced medical, scientific, and technical and support personnel.
The Laboratory offers the following services
- Histopathology
- Post-mortem Autopsy
- Non-Gynaecological Cytology
The laboratory is subject to external accreditation by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service and assessed against compliance with the international standard ISO15189. The laboratory is a UKAS accredited medical laboratory No 8836.
The current scope of accredited practice can be found on the UKAS website. http://www.ukas.com/search-accredited-organisations/
The laboratory and Mortuary is subject to external accreditation by the Human Tissue Authority (HTA) The laboratory is fully licensed and the licence number is 12027
The laboratory runs a comprehensive quality management system and participates in all relevant National Quality Assurance Schemes as well as operating a schedule of Internal quality audit, corrective action and quality improvement
The laboratory is accredited for training by the Health and Care Professions Council, The Royal College of Pathologists and the Institute of Biomedical Science.
General Laboratory Enquires
Histopathology: 0151 604 7778
Key Contact Information
Mrs Joanne Evans joanneevans1@nhs.net ext 7410
Cervical Screening Programme Lead and Quality Manager
Mr Alistair Armstrong alistair.armstrong@nhs.net ext 7416
Cellular Pathology Service Manager and Quality Manager
HTA Designated Individual (DI)
Mr Mike Murphy mike.murphy1@nhs.net ext 2361
Mortuary Manager
Dr Anshu Awasthi anshu.awasthi@nhs.net ext 2725
Cellular Pathology Clinical Service Lead
Contact Us
General Laboratory Enquires
Histopathology : 0151 604 7778
Key Contact Information
Mrs Joanne Evans joanneevans1@nhs.net ext 2556
Cytopathology Service Manager and Quality Manager
Mr Alistair Armstrong alistair.armstrong@nhs.net ext 7416
Histopathology Service Manager and Quality Manager
Mr Barton Coppell bartoncoppell@nhs.net ext 2361
Mortuary Manager
Dr Anshu Awasthi anshu.awasthi@nhs.net ext 2725
Cellular Pathology Clinical Service Lead
Dr David A Agbamu david.agbamu@nhs.net ext 2725
HTA Designated Individual (DI)
Laboratory Opening Hours
Histopathology Opening Hours
Monday-Friday 0830-1730
Saturday-Sunday CLOSED
The department is closed on all Public Holidays
Mortuary Opening Hours
Monday-Friday 0800-1630
Saturday-Sunday CLOSED
Please note the mortuary is open for the collection of the deceased by funeral directors during the following hours
Monday-Thursday 0830-0900 and 1300-1600
Friday 0830-0900 and 1300-1530
Saturday-Sunday CLOSED
Collection of the deceased outside of these hours is allowed in special circumstances, please contact the mortuary directly to arrange this.
Location and Address
The department is located in a building at the Northwest corner of Arrowe Park hospital, outside the main hospital building and close to the tall chimney. The department is sign posted on the main hospital maps. The Mortuary is located on the Basement level in the main Hospital and is fully signposted from the hospital main entrance.
The postal Address of the department is
Histopathology Laboratory
Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Arrowe Park Hospital
CH49 5PE
Tel 0151 678 5111 ext 2563
Fax 0151 604 1733