Ward 12 at Arrowe Park

Wirral Hospital's Orthopaedic team are fortunate enough to be one of the few in the North West to have elective inpatient beds that are ring fenced for Orthopaedic elective use only. This has been recommended by the British Orthopaedic Association to reduce the number of cancelled elective operations on the day of surgery, and has been shown to reduce hospital acquired infections in elective orthopaedic patients following surgery.
The ward team is led by:
- Sister Susan Harrison - Ward 12
Ward 12 operates from Arrowe Park Hospital site and provides 16 inpatient beds for patients staying in hospital after their operation.
As with all of our wards, Ward 12 is supported by our physiotherapy and occupational therapy departments.
If you have a relative currently staying with us, or have recently been a patient with us and need some advice, you can contact the wards on the numbers below:
- Ward 12 - 0151 604 7784
Ward visiting times are as follows:
- 15:00 to 16:00 and 18:30 to 19:30
Visiting is restricted to two visitors at a time for every patient.