Nurse Specialists Clinics

Our Urology specialist nurses have a vast wealth of experience who have been part of our department for over 10 years. These include Sister Jane Scoble, Sister Carol Wynn and Sister Julie Jones. They provide a well-established and various clinics including both diagnostic and follow-up and therapeutic services:
Diagnostic and follow-up
- Urodynamic clinic – a very important diagnostic tool used to investigate and manage patients presenting with LUTS. It is a test of studying the bladder filling and emptying and how this relates to your symptoms.
- Stone clinic follow-up of patients who have undergone stone surgery, or are under surveillance of their stones.
- Trial removal of catheter (TWOC) clinic – for those patients who have a catheter in place, and need to have this removed under supervision.
- Intravesical treatment clinic (for patients with bladder cancer or interstitial cystitis) – for patients requiring BCG treatment for their bladder cancer. Or for patients requiring bladder instillations for the management of interstitial cystitis.