About the Wirral Chronic Pain Service

How does this service help patients manage pain?
This service takes a holistic view of you and your pain using the biopsychosocial model. This means we look at how biological factors (e.g. sleep, diet, injury, medicine, other health conditions), psychological factors (emotions, thoughts, beliefs, past experiences) and how social factors (relationships, meaningful activity, work, where we live) all interact and contribute to chronic pain.
To do this, we have a team of different clinicians each with their own area of expertise who work with patients understand them as a person, as well as their pain, to provide evidence-based pain management strategies.
We take a ‘shared decision making’ approach when looking at treatment options. This means we listen to you as the expert of your pain. We balance your experience and wishes alongside our expertise in what can (and cannot) help. Between us we can arrive at a shared decision about how our service might be able to support you to live better with pain.
We offer supported self-management to help you find a way to live well with pain. You can read more about supported self-management here: https://www.england.nhs.uk/personalisedcare/supported-self-management/
This means we ask you to be an active contributor to improving your life alongside pain. This approach is not right for everyone and so sometimes we suggest a different approach that does not involve what we can offer.
Please see our patient information leaflet for more information about what our service can offer.