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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Further resources including service leaflets

Link to pain service leaflets 

  • Pain PIL 
  • Pain psychology PIL 
  • Mindfulness PIL 
  • Exercise PIL 


Links to help you learn more about chronic pain: 




Musculoskeletal conditions | Topic | NICE 

Chronic and neuropathic pain | Topic | NICE 

Fibromyalgia - NHS 

Pain Concern |Pain Concern | Bringing the pain community together 

Help & Support for people in Pain (painuk.org) 

The British Pain Society | An alliance of professionals advancing the understanding and management of pain for the benefit of patients 


Useful podcasts:  

Dr Chaterjee: Feel better, live more. Specifically this one on chronic pain:


The Pain Reframed podcast series:


The Wellbeing Lab with Will Young: Chronic Pain:


The Modern Pain Podcast: Decoding physiotherapy and pain management, Lars Avemarie’s perspective:


Zoe Nutrition:



Support groups 

There's lots of self-help advice available from a variety of organisations supporting people living with long-term pain, such as: 

Charities specialising in specific conditions, such as arthritis or fibromyalgia, may also offer more targeted pain management advice. 

Some of these organisations run helplines and self-help groups, where you can talk to and meet other people with long-term pain. 

Wirral-specific support 

We have lots of organisations in Wirral and nearby that can support you in lots of different ways. Here is a selection:  

For a more comprehensive list please see wirralinforbank.co.uk