Day case journey

After your procedure, you will be taken from theatre into the recovery area where a nurse will look after you until you are not too sleepy and also fairly pain free.
The anaesthetist will have given you painkillers and anti-sickness medication during surgery to ensure that you are comfortable afterwards. This may be a combination of simple drugs beforehand (paracetamol), intravenous medicines (into your vein) and local anaesthetic during the operation. If you are to be given a local anaesthetic this will be explained to you before surgery and you will know whether to expect any numbness.
Once back on the ward, the staff will measure your blood pressure, temperature, pulse rate and oxygen levels. You will be offered food and drink providing you are not too sleepy and do not feel sick. The staff will encourage you to sit out of bed and walk around your bed area as soon as possible to aid the recovery process.
Additional pain relief will be offered to you to ensure you remain comfortable. However, depending on the nature of your operation, some pain on discharge may be expected.
It is not routine for the surgeon to see patients following day surgery. A nurse will be able to assess you for discharge as they will have been given clear instructions from the surgeon and anaesthetist.
The nurse will check you are still not drowsy, you are tolerating diet and fluids, you are not vomiting or suffering from excessive feelings of sickness, you have passed urine and if you have a wound, that there is no excessive bleeding.
Once the nurse is happy they will deem you safe for discharge. This varies for each person depending on the nature of the surgery and how you are afterwards.