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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Treating your medical conditions


MRSA swabs

All patients are screened for MRSA bacteria (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) as routine. A nasal and groin swab will be taken by the assessment nurse and sent to the laboratory. You will only be contacted by the hospital if your results are positive for MRSA. This contact will be by telephone and then by letter. Your General Practitioner will also be informed. If you have had a positive result you will be given the appropriate treatment before you can proceed to surgery.


CPE/VRE swabs

All patients are screened for CPE and VRE which are antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Screening involves taking a rectal swab (from the back passage) which is then sent to the laboratory. CPE/VRE do not cause problems to people who are otherwise fit and well. Your operation will still proceed as normal but you may be asked to remain in a single room for the duration of your stay and staff caring for you will carry out additional infection control precautions.

More information is available in the information leaflet at the foot of this page.


High blood pressure

High blood pressure is a common condition. A temporary rise in blood pressure can occur in response to a stressful situation, such as a visit to the hospital so your blood pressure will need to be checked on several occasions before a diagnosis is made.

Target is 140 or less for the top number, 90 or less for the bottom number. 

Untreated high blood pressure puts you at risk of stroke, angina or heart attack. It can also cause kidney damage and sight problems. However, evidence suggests that with effective treatment the risk is greatly reduced. So please make an appointment to visit your doctor and get your blood pressure checked.

More information is available using the patient information leaflet at the foot of this page.


Poor control of blood sugar at the time of an operation is known to increase the risk of poor wound healing and infections. This could delay your recovery and may even result in the failure of a joint replacement operation.

Target is blood sugar between 4-10mmol/l and HbA1c less than 69mmol/mol, (8.5%). If your HbA1c is more than 69mmol/mol then it suggests inadequate control of blood sugar.

Ideally you should attempt to achieve these targets prior to your operation and seek advice from your GP or hospital diabetes team.

More information is available in the leaflet at the foot of this page.


Anaemia happens when the number of healthy red blood cells in your body is too low. Red blood cells carry oxygen to all of the body’s tissues, so a low red blood cell count indicates that the amount of oxygen in your blood is lower than it should be.  Anaemia can be due to many causes but a common cause is a lack of iron in the body. Studies have shown that patients recover much better after surgery when they are not anaemic. 

The aim for surgery is to achieve a haemoglobin level of 130g/L and above in both males and females. 

Oral iron, intravenous iron (through a drip) or B12/folate supplements may be prescribed. Elective procedures may be deferred until anaemia has been investigated, treated and the haemoglobin level has improved.

Additional Documents

Understanding Borderline High Blood Pressure PL00113, Modified: 19/03/2025 12:38PM | Download: Understanding Borderline High Blood Pressure PL00113
Understanding High Blood Pressure, Modified: 19/03/2025 12:38PM | Download: Understanding High Blood Pressure