
MRSA swabs
All patients are screened for MRSA bacteria (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) as routine. A nasal and groin swab will be taken by the assessment nurse and sent to the laboratory. You will only be contacted by the hospital if your results are positive for MRSA. This contact will be by telephone and then by letter. Your General Practitioner will also be informed. If you have had a positive result you will be given the appropriate treatment before you can proceed to surgery.
CPE/VRE swabs
All patients are screened for CPE and VRE which are antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Screening involves taking a rectal swab (from the back passage) which is then sent to the laboratory. CPE/VRE do not cause problems to people who are otherwise fit and well. Your operation will still proceed as normal but you may be asked to remain in a single room for the duration of your stay and staff caring for you will carry out additional infection control precautions.
More information is available in the information leaflet at the foot of this page.