Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS)

Enhanced recovery is the name given to a programme that aims to get you back to your normal health as quickly as possible after a major operation. Hospital staff look at all the evidence of what you and they can do before, during and after your surgery to help give you the best chances for a quick and full recovery. This should get you home sooner.
By following an enhanced recovery programme, there are usually fewer complications after surgery. There is also less chance of you needing to go back into hospital again.
The programme will vary depending on what operation you are having but may include:
Before your operation
- Improving your fitness levels before your operation if there is enough time
- Treating any other long-term medical conditions
- Reducing the time you are starved for by giving you water and carbohydrate drinks before your surgery
During your operation
- Giving you drugs to prevent sickness after surgery
- Considering the best ways of giving pain relief during the operation
- Using local anaesthetic blocks or regional anaesthetics where possible
After your operation
- Giving you the best pain relief afterwards to get you moving quicker
- Using breathing exercises or an incentive spirometer device to prevent chest infections
- Allowing you to start drinking earlier
- Reducing the time you have catheters and drips
- Reaching you exercises to help you recover after your operation